A Night at the Oscars

S.I.C.S.S.0. XXIII - Thursday June 12th:
We want your video!
General info:
- 8This will be a glamorous and entertaining cocktail reception where the best submitted videos will be broadcasted and awarded
- Submission opens on October 1st and closes November 18th
- Video acceptance will be notified by January 7th
- On January 28th accepted videos will be uploaded online on the meeting website and social media to be voted and presenting authors must register by this date
- Any ophthalmologist can, and is invited, to vote their preferred videos through the meeting web page by June 1st to create a shortlist of nominees from the eligible submissions
- Nominees videos will be broadcasted during the “A Night at the Oscars” event, on Thursday June 12th , where the best videos will be selected and awarded by an expert panel
- The nominees should be present at the event as the winners will be invited to accept the award on stage.

Submission instructions
- Final version of the video should be uploaded during the submission process, together with title, brief synopsis, and list of authors, by the November 18th deadline.
- Video maximum length is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, including opening and closing credits (no exceptions allowed).
- Video must contain: opening credit (video title, author/s name and affiliation), English subtitles and an English narrator voice. Font of subtitles should be legible but not distracting (avoid busy screen).
- Maximum number of video submissions as first author allowed: two.
- Topics allowed: cornea, glaucoma and ocular surface.
- Videos judging criteria: originality, scientific content, educational content, clarity, quality of English, quality of narration, technical quality (sound, images, editing).
- At least one of the authors must be registered to the meeting by December 20th.
- The video must be in MP4 format, resolution 1280×720, aspect ratio 16:9.
- Presenting authors are required to upload a head shot, to be used on the meeting web page and social media.