Prof. Nicola Rosa
graduated from Federico II, University of Naples, where he also completed his ophthalmology
residency in 1987. From july 1987 to july 1988, he completed a one year fellowship in ophthalmic
ecography with Karl Ossoinig at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Among the awards, he received from the AAO (American Academy in Ophthalmology) the
Achievement Award in 2006 and the Bets Poster Award in 2007 and 2008; from the SOI (Società
Italiana di Oftalmologia) the Ampliomedica Award in 1988 , the Maestri di Oftalmologia award in
1991: and the Semeiotica Award in 1994. From the SILO (Italian Society of laser in
ophthalmology) the Best Paper Award in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009.
Member of editorial board of the journal: Case Report in Ophthalmological Medicine, Scientific
reviewer for the following journals: Ophthalmology since 2002; Journal of Refractive Surgery e
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery since 2005; Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science e Collegium Antropologicum since 2006, Archives of Ophthalmology since 2007,
American Journal of Ophthalmology since 2008; Cornea since 2009 Clinical Optometry, BMC
Ophthalmology, Case Report in Ophthalmological Medicine, Clinical Ophthalmology, Advances in
Medical Science, Eye and contact Lens since 2011, Indian Journal of Cancer since 2012.
Former Chairmen of the Eye Department , Second University of Naples, Italy, currently he is full
professor of ophthalmology at the University of Salerno, Italy.
Past President of the International Society for Diagnostic Ultrasound in Ophthalmology, and
Associazione Campana Glaucoma (ASCG).Vice-President Società Italiana di Ecografia in
Oftalmologia (SIEO) Board member Società Italiana di Ergoftalmologia e Traumatologia Oculare
Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, The European Society of Cataract and
Refractive surgery and other national scientific societies.
Pioneer in the Express glaucoma devices implant, travelled around the Europe providing
educational lectures to teach this procedure.
Frequently takes lectures on IOL power calculations techniques
He also hosts visiting doctors from around the country at his echographic center to learn his
technique in person.
He has authored and co authored more than 500 scientific papers, 139 of them in peer reviewed

Nicola Rosa