He has been the Director of the Ophthalmic service of the Republic of San Marino Hospital since June 2015.
From January 2000 to June 2015 he worked at the operational unit of Ophthalmology in the Maggiore hospital in Bologna.
He has experienced ophthalmic surgery, operating in every ophthalmic fields. As a main operator, he carried out more than 20.000 surgeries.
He is current regional representative of SOI (Italian Ophthalmic Society), the current vice-president of AICCER (Italian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) and a member of the Scientific Board of SICSSO (Italian Society of Stem Cells and ocular Surface).
He has visited developing countries (in Asia and Africa) in order to carry out ophthalmic surgeries as a part of humanitarian aid program.
He is currently a member of AMOA (Associazione Medici Oculisti per l’Africa) which arranges missions in Senegal, Cameroun, Zimbabwe, Etiopia, Ruanda, Togo, Madagascar and he is a member of several scientific ophthalmologic societies in Italy (SOI, AICCER, SITRAC, SICSSO), Europe (ESCRS), US (ASCRS).
The research and the clinical application of the keratoconus are the main fields of his studies since many years: in 2005 he won BPOS (Best Paper Of Session) during the congress of ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) for clinical research on keratoconus in Washington.
Moreover, he is the main author of the book “La topografia altitudinale” edited by Fabiano in November 2005. He received a global certification of teacher of INTACS corneal implants in Boston in 2006.
He is a certified instructor of ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) educational program.