• Contact Informations

  • Assessment Survey

  • Surgical room

  • Surgical Instruments

  • Drop files here or
  • Please provide a list of non-disposable surgical instruments for corneal transplant
  • Please provide a list of disposable surgical instruments for corneal transplant
  • Human resources

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
  • Drop files here or

  • Financial resources SICSSO is a non-profit organization and our teachers are unpaid volunteers. All the other costs to accomplish the mission will be counted basing on the information provided in this application. Any legal form of sponsorship is accepted. The applicant will receive the Mission budget. In case he can fully cover the costs, the mission will certainly be carried out, once received the government authorization. In cases of partial or external contribution, the realization and the timing of the mission will depend on the finding of funds.