Hotel Ariston Paestum
Via Laura, 13 – Capaccio
Paestum 84047
Ph. +39 0828 851333/34
How to reach Paestum
By train: Reach the city of Salerno by train: there are connections with High Speed line of Trenitalia and Italo. There are direct trains from Milan (Frecciarossa train or Italo – 5 hours and 30 min.) and Rome (Frecciarossa or Frecciabianca train or Italo train – 2 hours). Once in Salerno, you will find a shuttle service to Paestum (on June 21, 22 and 23), organized specifically for congress participants.
By car: Drive along the A3 motorway, take Battipaglia exit if you arrive from the North or the Eboli exit if you arrive from the South, follow the 18 highway and then take the Paestum exit.
By plane: The arrival airport is Naples’Capodichino. From here, take the “Alibus” to Naples station (P.zza Garibaldi). Then take the High Speed line trains Frecciarossa or Frecciabianca or Italo to Salerno. Once in Salerno, you will find a shuttle service to Paestum (on June 21, 22 and 23), organized specifically for congress participant

Hotel Acanfora & Resorts
Via Tiziano Vecellio, 23
84047 Paestum Capaccio Salerno
Ph. +39 0828 722444

Hotel Cerere & Residence
Via Laura Mare, 15
84047 Paestum Capaccio Salerno
ph. 0828 851751

Hotel Meridiana
Viale Italia, 198
48023 Marina Romea (Ra)
ph. 0544 446040

Grand Hotel Paestum
Via Laura, 201
84063 Paestum Salerno
ph. 0828 851813

Minerva Resort Hotel
Via Poseidonia, 255
84047 Paestum (Sa)
ph. (0)828.851840

Hotel Savoy & Esplanade
Via Poseidonia, 41
Paestum Capaccio SA
ph. 0828 851005